At Omnia, we put Trust, Transparency, and Collaboration above all else.

Our Ethics

This isn’t going to be short, so if you care about what we stand for, buckle up for a read

Ethics is always a tricky topic. For starters, what is ethics? What does it mean to have a code of ethics? What does it mean to be ethical? To be morally good is culturally subjective, so to exist in a multicultural world such as we do, it’s literally impossible to adhere to objective moral standards. The very notion of having ethics is going to be coloured in bias from the moment you bring it up. The concepts of morality and ethics are inherently subjective, and thus will mean something different to each and every one of us.

That said, this page does not serve to discuss what other people consider ethical. At Omnia Theatre, we live and operate by a moral standard that makes sense to us. Real, average, everyday people. People who believe in treating others the way we want to be treated. People who believe in standing up and speaking out when they see something objectionable. People who are honest and transparent in everything they do. Not because it’s trendy and vogue to claim to have ethics, but because we believe that people deserve a certain standard of living. Because we believe that mother nature deserves inhabitants who actually care about it and the others who inhabit it.

The world is a plentiful place of wonder and amazement, and we’re tired of hearing governments, politicians, and big corporations spew and endless stream of hollow words. We’re fed up with being told something to our faces and then having the very people who are supposed to be in service to making the world a better place turn around and stab us in the back. To prove that they’re disconnected from reality and couldn’t care less about the people whose lives they toy with and destroy casually and without a second thought.

These are not people with ethics or a moral compass, and we’re not going to play their game any longer. So what does having ethics mean to us at Omnia Theatre?

For starters, ethics means we have values. Strong values that we live and die by. Values which we embody in everything we do. Because it’s not enough to say that you are ethical. It’s not enough to talk about it and give it some screen time just because it’s what people want to see.

The Foundational Pillars of Omnia Theatre

Our ethics start with 3 core values that we place above all else. These are the core tenets we vow to live by. The 3 pillars upon which all other values will be built around. Before I get to the other 7 values which encompass the 10 ethical values this organisation lives and breathes, we’re going to break down what these three pillars mean to us.

Our Core Values

Now that we’ve covered the 3 foundational pillars of Omnia Theatre, lets jump into our other 7 core values upon which our ethics are built.